Have I met with God privately and corporately today?
Worship is key to our relationship with God. If we expect to have a good relationship with anyone,
we must spend time with them. It is even more true with our Lord. We must spend time in prayer
and the Word in order to know Him better and love Him more.
Hebrews 10:22-25 instructs us that worship is vital.
Five quick truths we need to learn:
1. Spend time with God and seek His face.
2. Hold steadfast to our belief of our salvation through Christ alone.
3. Have a genuine concern and care for others.
4. Gather together as the body of believers.
5. Support, watch over, and lift up one another.
Have I prepared my life today, to grow in relation to God and others?
Without preparation, our lives will wander aimlessly along.
2 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we must prepare ourselves to prove to the world that we are true children of God.
The "Connection Groups" at Calvary, use very practical biblical teaching to help equip each believer to live out the Christian life.
From preschoolers to senior adults, everyone should consistently grow in their relationship to God in order that they may live in proper relation to others.
Have I shared the love of Christ with someone today?
Christ instructed each believer to "go" into his world to carry the gospel of Christ and the love of Christ to everyone.
Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8 We are to be witnesses in word and deed to all those we contact.
At Calvary, we believe that God has entrusted in each believer gifts and abilities that should be used to build up the body of Christ.
Service is not a suggestion, it is the command of God to all who carry the name of Christ.